Friday, August 29, 2003

Because I Felt Like Posting Something

I saw a mini-bumper sticker on a car while driving into work today. It had a swastika in the 'no smoking' crossed-out red circle. The woman driving this car was opposed to Nazis. Generally bumper stickers tell us important facts about the driver. "I'm Pro-Choice and I Vote" or "My child is an honor student at Terminal Park Elementary." This woman felt the need to oppose Nazis.

I would also like to come out and take a stand against Nazis. Nazis are bad. If you study my record you will see that I have taken strong anti-Nazi actions. I have watched the anti-Nazi film Raiders of the Lost Ark more times that I can count. I have also killed thousands of Nazis in the games Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny. It's important we all do out part to oppose Nazis, so we are prepared when Zombie Hitler rises from his grave.

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Games Women Play

This headline is really misleading: Study: Female gamers outnumber boys

This headline suggests more females game than males, but that's not what the study says. The important part of the study is that there are more adults gaming than kids. In every demographic group listed there are significantly more males than females. What this article also doesn't mention that other studies have shown is that female gamers generally don't play hard core games like Counterstrike; Women are far more likely to play simple or inexpensive games like Solitaire. The money is still with men.

Are You Ready for a Fictionalized Monday Night Party?

TV REVIEW: Playmakers
Playmakers takes us inside a fictional team in an NFL like league. The show features a series of well drawn characters. The first is the former star running back returning from rehab, Leon Taylor (Russell Hornsby). He's always been the good guy; he's loyal to his family. Now his position has been taken away and he's questioning his relationships. The next character is Leon's replacement Demetrius Harris (Omar Gooding). He's a hotshot who doesn't believe the rules apply to him. He's also a drug addict who needs his fix before he can go out an play. The show's best moment is when we are shown exactly when he is taught he's invincible. The last main character is the defensive captain Eric Olczyk (Jason Matthew Smith). He paralyzed a player two weeks earlier and now he doesn't know if he want to play anymore, or why he ever started playing in the first place.

The direction of the show is good, done by Scott Brazil of The Shield. The writing is solid, yet the show seems to be too on the money. It's all the dirt we expect from inside an NFL team. If the show isn't able to take the characters and conflicts in original direction it will get tiring. For now I want to see more. 3 Stars, though likely to increase as the series goes on.

Monday, August 25, 2003

A Movie Nobody Watched That Should Stay That Way

MOVIE REVIEW: Knockaround Guys
Kids of mobsters try to prove themselves to their parents. They screw up. The Direction is flavorless. No interesting performances. Moves too slowly until a cliche ending. Not really bad, just not interesting. I'm sure I'll have forgotten all of it within a few minutes. 2 Stars, only because it isn't offensive.

Berlin Vice

This doesn't even make sense. Maybe it means 5 Million. 5 Million DM. Even if Don Johnson could get his hands on 5 Billion dollars, how can you put 5 Billion in a trunk?

Insert Title Here

So, I've created a blog. I'd like to say something profound to start the blog, but I don't have anything important to say.