Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Presidential Candidate Stack Ranking

Who I like most to least of all the real candidates, without considering electability:

Fred Thompson
Rudy Giuliani
Mitt Romney
John McCain
Ron Paul
Hillary Clinton
Mike Huckabee
Barack Obama
John Edwards

Monday, December 03, 2007

3D makes everything seem better

King Hrothgar (Anthony Hopkins) has a problem: The monster Grendel (Cripsin Glover) slaughters his citizens every time they try to have fun. Fortunately, the mighty Beowulf (Ray Winstone) heeds the call for heroes and proceeds to deal with Grendel and his crazy mom (Angelina Jolie). Based up the epic english poem.

I love 3D, and the 3D here is the best I have ever seen. The faces of the characters are remarkably realistic. Despite this technological wonder, I almost walked out of this film. Some people did walk out of the film, and I envied them. The film is grim, violent, and unpleasant. Grendel slaughters people graphically while screaming in pain. The first 2/3rds of the film embodies the worst of modern gore-porn horror. Only the final battle is well staged and consists of more action than blood. So if you can show up just for that scene, go right ahead.

The PG-13 rating is a complete joke. This should be rated R. The film us all computer animated and only shows the shadows of some of the most graphic acts, and I guess this allowed them to get away with a PG-13 rating, but it's far more violent than any Die Hard or Terminator. It's far more violent than Fight Club. I looked through my movie collection to find a film more violent than Beowulf, and I couldn't come up with an obvious answer. The Thing, maybe, has some more gratuitous scenes, although they don't drag on nearly as long as the bloodbaths in Beowulf.

Anyway, two stars, just but only if you can see it in 3D.